Sunday, March 02, 2008

Tree Wise Author on ABC News

Karen Meyer featured deaf author, Antoinette Abbamonte, who wrote "Tree Wise," a story about a tree teaching children about Deaf Culture.

Antoinette is a deaf actress who was featured in the film, "Wrong Game" along with Chicago local, Liz Tannebaum. She's also found in the video, Sign and ABCs.

You can view the entire ABC interview here:

Mom's Book Teaches Kids about Deaf Culture.


Deb Ann and Hannah said...

Thank you, Karen. ;)

Abbie said...

I'm going to go watch this right now! :)

Anonymous said...

I tried to leave a comment at the news station that broadcast this segment, but I didn't have a username and password. I think it's great that they had a deaf newscaster, but they should have used a professional interpreter to voice for the author. The newscaster glossed her signs word for word instead of interpreting them into English. To a hearing person who doesn't know ASL, the voicing would make no sense. The author's articulate message was lost. - Jess