Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Another Crazy Lawsuit-- Warlick and Ramsell Argue Over Bears Tickets

Once upon a time, Douglas Warlick and Donald Ramsell were friends. The two lawyers from a western suburb of Chicago, attended Bears games together for over twenty years.

Back in 1985, Warlick purchased four Bears season tickets in his name. Just four years ago, Ramsell began purchasing two of the tickets from Warlick in an "agreement" that the two friends struck up to split costs. No contract was signed nor anything written down.

The friendship began to go sour, and on May 30th of this year, Ramsell filed a lawsuit in court to formally obtain his half of the tickets.

Warlick, in a recent Chicago Tribune article, summed the situation up perfectly: "I'm still in shock -- that's so obnoxious, so immature," he said. "He could've just picked up the phone. I think 'sad' is an appropriate word for somebody who does something like that."


Anonymous said...

Doug Warlick, if you knew him, is a liar and cant be trusted, hes the one at fault. I guarentee. Hes such a fool, hes being greedy and gives lawyers a bad name. Believe me!

groovyoldlady said...


Scribbit said...

Sounds like both are people I'd rather not know--anyone who'd sue over that is ridiculous and anyone who'd allow it to get so far is just as bad.

And they're Bears fans. :)

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I quote, Beth withhhhhhhhhh........

"Wowwww!" =0

One Wacky Mom said...

It's sad how litigious our society has become..what's even sicker are the low lifes that prey upon hard working people and sue them for no other reason...other than fraud...and that's how they make a living...

Dawn Wilson said...

"Sad" is definitely the word for this case.

Anonymous said...

The last person, "anonymous" knows Doug. And yes, I agree with with him/her all the way. Doug is selfish only looking out for his own interest. What ever he does he does to benefit himself and does not care if he messes with anyone in the process. Not to mention, Doug is the cheapest person you will ever come across. He found a way to get Ramsell to buy/invest on the application fee (which was in the thousands) with him so that he would not loose the opportunity to buy seasons tickets. I can assure you, Doug had this all planned from day one. He planned on messing with Ramsell from the start. NO doubt about it. By the way, we have to publish this Anonymously, because if Doug knew who we were, he would find a way to mess with us too.