Monday, February 19, 2007

Back to Reality--And It Bites

We just got back from a short vacation down in Kissimmee, Florida. I had won some money from Epinions and it was in the form of an Ebay gift certificate. So we decided to use it on a time share vacation at Silver Lakes Resort.

The resort was quite nice, although the two-bedroom villa that we stayed in was a bit outdated with the decor. We sat through a 90-minute presentation and toured the brand new facilities which were packed with a "wow" factor. Granite countertops and plasma tvs in every room-- we almost wanted to buy a time share right then and there. Fortunately, one look at the checkbook balance and we came to our senses.

We spent one day at Wet-N-Wild, a water park run by Universal. The temperature was 74 degrees with nary a cloud in site and the water was heated. Best of all, there were almost no lines and we were able to try every ride in the resort. The youngest kiddo and I wisely declined the 90-degree body slide, preferring not to do bodily harm to our backside.

We played tennis at the resort one day and it was the first time that the kids had ever held rackets. The boys constantly fought the urge to swing the tennis racket like a baseball bat but they took great delight in chasing after tennis balls whenever they would hit it out of the court. "This is the most fun I've ever had!" exclaimed the oldest. The hubby and I looked at each other in amazement. The free stuff beat out the expensive water park, go figure.

So here we are back home to a dusty house, a sink full of dishes and snow piled up outside. There's homework to be done before the kids head back to school tomorrow and grocery shopping to do.

Ah, back to reality.

But before I head to the kitchen, I'm taking one more look at the palm trees swaying in the wind...


kkurt said...

Glad you all had such fun! Sometimes the free things in live are the most fun. As a family watching a movie together, eating dinner at home things like that create special memories for kids that are truly priceless! And yet vacations too create special memories - but kids remmember their home life more!
Welcome home to REAL life!

kkurt said...

Welcome home!
Glad you all had a great time! the free things in life create happy memories for kids! I can't tell you how many Christmas's I went through to find my kids loving the cheapest gifts the best @@. However, family time - dinner together at home, watching a movie, create memories that won't cost anything and its really something priceless! What's more kids remember their home life and it sticks with them!

groovyoldlady said...

I thought you were going to keep that sink clear of dishes... ;-)

Btw, I Googled my name yesterday and looked under "images". There were none of me, but there was one of YOU! I assume that's because of the dishes poem I posted in your comments here.


Karen Putz said...

Aw, dang, Groovy, I just KNEW someone was going to catch that sink thing!

That's funny about the Google search!

palmtreefanatic said...

I love palm trees...